How much is $1 RVN worth in dollars?
I'm trying to find out the current value of 1 RVN in US dollars. I want to know the exchange rate or how much I can get in dollars if I sell 1 RVN.

How much is 1 öre worth?
I have an old coin from a foreign country, and it's labeled as 1 öre. I'm curious about its value, so I want to know how much is 1 öre worth in today's currency or market.

How much is 1 pi worth today?
I'm wondering about the current value of 1 pi. I want to know how much it's worth today in the market.

How much is 1 Ryo worth Naruto?
I'm curious about the value of currency in the Naruto universe. Specifically, I want to know how much 1 Ryo is worth in that context. Can someone provide an estimation or explanation?